General conditions for open concerts

Terms and conditions for concerts with open ticket sale

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Written by Be My Concert
Updated over a week ago

All tickets for open concert are sold through the Be My Concert platform.
To be able to protect artists right to be paid fairly, Be My Concert needs to have an overview of the sold tickets.
โ€‹Be My Concert does a share of the promotional work for open concerts, but cannot guarantee how many tickets will be sold.
We will promote your concert to the Be My Concert community as much as we can. Ultimately, it is in Be My Concert's interest that your concert is successful. However, we cannot guarantee the number of tickets that will be sold. There are too many variables that affect this. We will give you our best tips on things to do that have proven effective in selling tickets. Read more on how to promote your concert.

The host and the artist are responsible for promoting the concert in order to sell tickets.
As concert arrangers, the artist and host, have a responsibility to do their share to promote the concert. It is up to them to spread the word. However, that does not mean financial responsibility. No one will be charged if a concert is canceled due to not enough tickets sold.ย 

An open Be My Concert can only be canceled by contacting Be My Concert directly.
For detailed information, please refer to this article about open concert cancellations.

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