What do I need to bring to a concert as a musician?
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Written by Be My Concert
Updated over a week ago

You are the expert on what you need in order to play your gig. Bring your own equipment (e.g. guitars, amps, synthesizers, etc.).

If you need a grand piano or PA or something else you can always ask the host if they have any - but as many of our hosts are private individuals rather than a traditional venue, these cannot be expected. If you need things that are not provided by the host and are difficult to bring with, there are resources you can turn to, provided in the article here.

Can I bring my merchandise and sell it at the concert? 

Yes, feel free to bring CDs, T-shirts, stickers, etc. to the location. We always encourage musicians to promote their work at the concert. If it's private gig, please ask the host if they are okay with it.   

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