How do I create a musician profile on Be My Concert?

A step-by-step guide to getting your musician profile live on the Be My Concert platform

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Written by Be My Concert
Updated over a week ago

If you are ready to a musician profile, you must first sign up as a user, which you can do here.


Musician Page Creation

  1. Once signed up, you can go to your Be My Concert user profile in upper left corner, and choose 'Your profiles' and click 'Add a Musician Profile'

2. Fill in the required information to create your musician profile. This will be sent to Be My Concert for review. It is highly important that you include a video of a live performance. It is the main deciding factor for us when we are reviewing your profile

The more information you provide here, the easier it will be for us to get a sense of who you are and if your performance style is suitable for Be My Concert.

Note: Your music is evaluated primarily on whether it is compatible with the Be My Concert format, whether you have motivation to create intimate concerts, and technical criteria. Be My Concert uses the information you provide to determine whether your project has that special something, so be sure to include relevant links.

When will you hear back from us? 

We will do our best to get back to you quickly. You can expect an answer within 1-2 weeks. You will receive an answer on the email address attached to your Be My Concert account.

What happens after?

If your musician profile is successfully reviewed, it will be published on Be My Concert. Once that happens, you can begin creating intimate, unique concerts.

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